Math’s Time with VJ

WALT:Do our maths more better and quickly 

Kia ora, my name is VJ. and I am so happy of my score of today. But first off let me tell you of this amazing site that helps me with my learning, it’s called Basic Facts it gives me a mega boost with my learning! I recommend you to use this site maybe it could be useful with your learning as well. But back to my score I am surprised I was so locked in with my maths I got a 100% in 3 minutes and 7 seconds. Well that’s all for today have an wonderful day or best!


  • Could you make it to 100% in 3 minutes and 30 seconds? if you did comment down your score and time!

Site: Basic Facts


Martin Luther King Jr

Kia ora, my name is VJ. and I became really invested to Martin Luther King Jr one of the greatest speach in history. I felt so terrible after hearing the events of Black people history. I felt touched by Martin Luther’s speech it was so touching. This speech gave me motivation to spread the word to my friends, because it is one the most greatest speech in the entire history of segregation. Thank you for reading my blog have an fantastic day!

Speech of Martin Luther 

Reflection – Ki O Rahi

Kia ora, my name is VJ. and I had done a big mistake by saying negative words, druing a Kio O Rahi game. I didn’t mean to but I deeply apologize for my actions to my teacher Ellen. That’s enough from me check the link under here to see my reflection if you want to. Thank you have an wonderful and fantastic day!


Reading Response – Staying Warm Keeping Cool

WALT: Find different business opportunities that relate to our book

Kia ora, my name is VJ. Today me and my class did some reading responses, mine was called Staying Warm and Keeping Cool. There’s a boy named Freddie its a Saturday Morning Footabal day! but sadly it was raining so football practice was canceled. Freddie was really cold so he covered himself with a blanket. Freddie’s body know it’s cold. It does everything it can to get him warm again. There are things called nerve cells in our brains that is called central or core temperature sensors. These sensors can tell what temperature it is at the centre of our bodies. We humans like our bodies to be about 37 degrees celsius – not much hotter, not much colder when we get too cold, our sensors tell our brains. Then our brains tell muscles around our bodies to move to help us warm up. Shivering is our muscles moving really fast to warm us. There are other things our bodies do to keep us at the right temperature.


Do you like Summer or Winter? 

Reading Response


Basic Facts

Kia ora, my name is VJ. Again I did maths on this site Basic Facts that helps me a lot with my Multiplication, Division and addition. I got a 97% at stage 6 in 3 minutes and 22 seconds. I recommend you to use Basic Facts it could help you or have a little boost with your maths. Thank you so much for reading my blog and have an fantastic and wonderful day.


  • If you could which I doubt beat 100% under 6 minutes comment down your score!


SITE: Basic Facts

Maths Time!

Kia ora, my name is VJ. I currently just finished my Basic Facts, if you may ask what is basic Facts? Basic Facts is a fun learning site that helps me with my maths. I recommend you guys all to use Basic Facts if you think you would need a little boost. Well I got a 97%  in 3 minutes and 22 seconds. I hope you have a wonderful and fantastic week thank you for reading my blog!




Site: Basic Facts

Ping Pong Target – Reflection

How the game works?

Theres a cone and you got a ping pong you gotta try and throw the ping pong in the cone.

What could I work on?

I could work on my throws my throws were all going out and maybe I could work on that.

What strategies did I use?

Leaning foward to get a better advantage of getting the ball inside the cone.

What school values did you show in that game?

I showed Rangatiratanga by showing my team my strategy and it helped them alot

Maths Another day Another Math Sheet

Kia ora, my name is VJ. This new site called Basic Facts helps me a lot with my maths and my multiplacation, division and addition. This could help you as well alot with your maths. I recomend you to use Basic Facts maybe it would help you with your maths. I got a 95 precent 2 wrong and in 3 minutes and 24 seconds. thank you so much for reading my blog have an fantastic and awesome day!


  • Could you beat 80% I bet you could’t but if you have comment in my blog you beated the high score!

Basic Facts

Basic Facts – Maths Time

Kia ora, my name is VJ, and I love doing maths. It’s one of my favourite subjects but I don’t really love doing maths online but only on paper.  I recommend it’s more fun on paper then online but one of my favourite sites to use is called Basic Facts, it’s a fun learning site that I use everytime. I recommend you to use Basic Facts it helps me a lot with my maths and I love learning new things cause you will never know if you only experience it. I got a 97% on Basic Facts and 3 minutes in 40 seconds. Thank you for reading my blog have an fantastic and awesome day!



  • I’m sure you cant beat 50% if you could comment that you beated that score!


Site: Basic Facts


Finding Companys in Papakura

Kia ora, my name is VJ and I love blogging it makes me look back at the work that I had done. But to the topic we had done a task from our teacher to find businesses around Papakrua. The questions we had to answer were “What does the Company sell” and “What products the business would need” I answered both questions easily with the help of google. Well if you would like to see my work click onto this link that I am about to put below. Thank you so much for reading my blog have an fantastic and wonderful day or night!


Right Here!